Andrew Hariyanto

Software Development

Brigham and Women's Hospital App


Eleven-person team working to apply Agile Scrum development methodologies and software design patterns in Java to create a medical equipment tracking and workflow application that included a hospital dashboard, floor map editor, and multiple integrated service request modules for Brigham & Women’s Hospital. The software system that the team created served to inform hospital representatives about potential features, user interfaces, or design approaches that they might consider implementing. 


Lead Backend Engineer, Database Structure and Design, Client-Server and Local Database Integration, Source Control Manager (Git), User Stories

Dragonfly Game Engine


Built from scratch using C++, the Dragonfly game engine's specialty is in creating 2D text-based video games. Including the essential engine managers to run the game loop, manage input, and process graphics, the engine features fully functioning event systems, camera control, animations, audio, and UI design. Please look at Sleep Is For The Weak as one of the games created by the engine. 


Engine Managers, Events, Camera, UI, Animations, Audio 

Board Game Projects


Using C and C++, the popular board games bingo, checkers, and Monopoly are brought to your screen. Complete with text-based boards and player input that show in an IDE's console, players will enjoy playing these classics.


Unit Testing, Integrated Testing, Console Input/Output, Data Structures, Object Oriented Design, Pointers